03 July 2009

3 July 2009

today was friday! so good to finally get to the end of the week. this week was nice since it was broken up by the holiday, but i was still really yearning for my weekend. work was uneventful, i'm even starting to get a bit... dare i say... bored. will work on fixing this next week. after the past few months at my job i'm shocked that i'm feeling this way. i guess everything ebs and flows and all that. and it's nice to leave at five and not feel guilty. but i think i've had enough rest. i'll go see what i can dig up to overwhelm me a bit again. i'm sure there's lots.

i ate a lot today!

earl grey tea
plain yogurt

pumpkin + sunflower seeds + raisins
one of the new strawberry vivanno smoothies from starbucks (made with non-fat milk, it was interesting, not really worth five dollars but i did want to try it. if you click on the link you can see the nutritional information for this drink. i find it interesting that they are claiming it has only four ingredients or something ridiculous like that. i don't know about you but i don't consider "strawberry puree" or "protein powder" to be single ingredients. are you telling me, starbucks, that your strawberry puree contains ONLY strawberries? i find this hard to believe. and what is in that protein powder? "protein"? come on. we're not that stupid. or maybe we are, and that's the problem.)

MORE quinoa salad
diet coke (ugh i was so good this week! but i had to have it)
carob chips

water with lemon juice
cashew + date lara bar (on the way to the art gallery, i knew we were going out for dinner but i knew it would not be until pretty late and drinking on a fairly empty stomach can cause some vicious sugar lows for me)

after work i met up with t. and our friend g. on the art gallery patio for drinks. it was fun. i had about a glass and a half of mission hill pinot gris.

we went to momo's sushi on water street. i have not been there in months so it was a treat. i had: spinach gomaae, 1 piece tuna nigiri, 1 piece tamago, and a vegetable roll. i could not finish any of it as the portions at momo's are so huge. but it was yummy as always.

after dinner we went to the alibi room for some drinks. i had been craving some fun, girly cocktails but it's not really the place for that. so i had a couple of glasses of some pinot noir. not sure what it was but it was nice and surely from bc. t. and g. and i hung out for a bit chatting until s. and a couple of her girls showed up. they were fun. t. had brought along a bunch of hilarious temporary tattoos he found at a dollar store and the girls all picked one to put on for the night.

as they piled into a cab to go out dancing, we fell into ours and headed home. i was glad to be the first stop of the night and hurried upstairs to bed.
(i'm faking this post a little bit since it's well after midnight, but i wanted it to show up on 3 july, not 4.)

anyway, i'm exhausted, as usual, so that's all.

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