29 August 2009

shades of gray

i feel much less distraught than i did a few nights ago. perhaps more resigned? still unhappy but less urgently so. it's much more tolerable.

today i did a bit of shopping, which lately is pretty rare. i bought a pair of boots:

so that was nice, they fit and i like them. they kind of make my legs look like little sausages but i kind of don't care, i guess. that's part of the charm of getting older it seems.

i have been struggling recently with black and white and having a bit of trouble finding the right mix of each to make a comfy shade of gray to live in. for some reason my mind is looking to dichotomize; divide and conquer. rationally, i know that the world does not work like this and that to view it thusly sort of ruins my chances of enjoying it or interacting with it in a productive way.

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